What the Cease-Fire Deal Really Means
2 hours ago
“The library will archive the collected works of Twitter, the micro-blogging service, whose users currently send a daily flood of 55 million messages, or tweets, all 140 characters or less.”This now means that we have to be careful what we tweet, as it will all be recorded forever, even those few people who just spam things, like this person, claiming to have gotten a "free" macbook air. Congratulations, your douchiness will go down in history
"During an all-night voting session, two points relating to student loans were found to violate Senate procedure..."is what one aide to Senate majority leader Harry Reid said about it. The whole thing was only 16 lines out of the entire 2700+ page health care bill, and after staying up all night, they finally found it.
"Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said more than 10 Democratic politicians had reported incidents since Sunday's vote, some of which he described as "very serious"."This part is sad people. There is too much hate (it is a strong word) around this bill already, like on Sunday, when the House voted on this the first time, people were spitting on Emmanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), yelling racial slurs at members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and anti-gay slurs at openly gay representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.). This bill is good, why can't the republicans see that and stop their "constituents" (people who watch Glenn Beck) from openly showing why the Republicans are loosing support. If they ever want to win back the house or the senate, the Republicans need to cut ties to the extremists, like Beck and Limbaugh. They also need to educate themselves, because according to a new Harris poll that was talked about on a blog I read (sometimes) the results of witch are still making my head hurt:
They are right about one thing, the Antichrist is among us, but they are looking on the wrong side of the political spectrum, it's Glenn Beck. Who else would call Jesus a Nazi?
- 67 percent of Republicans (and 40 percent of Americans overall) believe that Obama is a socialist.
- 57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim
- 45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president"
- 38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did"
- Scariest of all, 24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist."
"Social justice was the rallying cry--economic justice and social justice--the rallying cry on both the communist front and the fascist front."I do understand what he is saying, and I do agree with it. The Germans during that time in history were facing the most extreme inflation in recorded history, and they just wanted to correct the wrong that done to them by the Treaty of Versailles. The means that they went by to correct this injustice however, is what everyone thinks of when they think of Nazi Germany. Hate crimes and starting the second World War ans killing about 6 million Jewish people is why I along with most people don't like them. I don't know what he is thinking of, but the definition of Social Justice I found in the dictionary was as follows:
"Main Entry: social justice
Part of Speech: n
Definition: the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society"
"Bring on the competition"That is what the incumbent Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D), who holds the 8th Congressional District, says to this play for corporate power. Who really knows why they are doing this, is it because they really want to show how The Supreme Court has messed things up by making that ruling? or is it simply a publicity stunt to get more clients? Who knows? One thing is for sure, it will be interesting to see how the people of the Maryland 8th District will vote, or if this will even last that long. Below is a video that they recently put on their site, saying that
"Now that Democracy is for sale Murray Hill Incorporated is Offering Top Dollar"
I’m delighted that the president will be here for the passage of the bill, It’s going to be historic. And it would not be possible without his tremendous, tremendous leadership, his persistence, his concern for the American people, always guided by his statement that we will measure our success by the progress being made by America’s working families.”
Its backers wanted the skyscraper to be a monument to the boundless, can-do spirit of Dubai — one of a federation of seven small sheikdoms that make up the United Arab Emirates — but the timing could not be worse. Property prices in parts of Dubai collapsed by nearly half in the past year, the result of easy credit and overbuilding during a real estate bubble that has since burst.I know what are you thinking, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and that might be literal in this case. Reports are that
"it has "refuge floors" at 25 to 30 story intervals that are more fire resistant and have separate air supplies in case of emergency. Its reinforced concrete structure, he said, makes it stronger than steel-frame skyscrapers. "A plane won't be able to slice through the Burj like it did through the steel columns of the World Trade Center,"We will have to wait and see if this monumental tower can help boost the real-estate prices that have dropped by more than 50% in the last year. Below is a picture of the tower on it's opening night.
There are indications that al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is targeting our embassy and targeting our personnel and we are not going to take any chances with the lives of our diplomats and others who are at that embassy,Also stated in the article and in shown in the picture below,
The president's homeland security advisor told the FOX News Sunday television program the United States is working with the Yemeni government to deal with the terrorist threat.The British, who also had to close there Embassy due to similar threats, has agreed to co-fund a Yemen led counter-terrorism police force, planned to stop closures like these from happening in the future in Yemen.
TSA has a layered approach to security that allows us to surge resources as needed on a daily basis. We have the ability to quickly implement additional screening measures including explosive detection canine teams, law enforcement officers, gate screening, behavior detection and other measures both seen and unseen. Passengers should not expect to see the same thing at every airport.