"Social justice was the rallying cry--economic justice and social justice--the rallying cry on both the communist front and the fascist front."I do understand what he is saying, and I do agree with it. The Germans during that time in history were facing the most extreme inflation in recorded history, and they just wanted to correct the wrong that done to them by the Treaty of Versailles. The means that they went by to correct this injustice however, is what everyone thinks of when they think of Nazi Germany. Hate crimes and starting the second World War ans killing about 6 million Jewish people is why I along with most people don't like them. I don't know what he is thinking of, but the definition of Social Justice I found in the dictionary was as follows:
"Main Entry: social justice
Part of Speech: n
Definition: the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society"
Now from what I can tell, This seems like a Good thing, making sure that the little people have every same chance for advancement and advantage as the rich people, like Beck, do. I really wonder what goes through his mind before he speaks, if he ever stops to think "maybe I shouldn't say that". All that I know is that there will be some sort of backlash about this, and I will post the video from either Comedy Central show that does something about this. Below is some funny pictures of Glenn from the article, just for a laugh.
My Precious.
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