Complete Interview

Marc Thiessen gets to make his point after being steam-rolled over by John on his show last night. All three videos are below where he can finally get his point out.
Part 1

He mentions in this next one that at one time Paul Rester was able to get information on a rat line going from Yemen to Pakistan for only 5 Snickers Bars, showing that you don't always have to water board people.
Part 2

Part 3

I have to say it, but when I was watching this on tv last night, and saw what John was doing to Marc, it almost reminded me of watching Bill O'Rielly just telling a guest to "Shut Up" and not letting them get their point out, and it scared the **** out of, thinking that John has spent too much time watching him trying to get funny stuff from his show. At least in the end Marc was able to get his point across


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