Community Service

I am sorry that this is late, but my laptop with all of my boy scout eagle project papers on it, and it is much easier to just copy what I already did.

In this project I plan to build bird boxes, bat boxes, and owl boxes for the birds, bats, and owls at the Fernandez Ranch property recently acquired by the Muir Heritage Land Trust. I went out to see the site and meet with Beth Pardieck, my contact at MHLT.
MHLT is a nonprofit organization that buys/preserves land in the bay area. They do so with partnerships with companies like east bay regional parks, and donations from many private donors. Fernandez Ranch is there newest acquisition and is nearly 702 acres near the south of Hercules. The property is currently going under major renovation to make it more accessible to the public, and make it better for the wildlife there right now, and my project is going to help in that part.
I plan to do research on the land to find out what specific birds, bats, and owls live there and where on the property they reside. I will then scout out specific areas and mark on my map where each box will go, according to where research says the animals usually are. The bird boxes will be up next to trees, but not hurting the tree in any way. The bat boxes will be in open areas and painted according to the nightly temperatures to assure the survival of any young that might be in there.
Each of the boxes will be made prior to the installation day, and each box will depend on the species attracted to it. They will be made at my home with help from volunteers and later installed at the park. The owl boxes will also be made and placed depending on the type of owls found there. After the boxes are made, I, along with a group of select volunteers will make a trip out to the property and then install the boxes in the selected spots, while leaving no trace of course.


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