“The library will archive the collected works of Twitter, the micro-blogging service, whose users currently send a daily flood of 55 million messages, or tweets, all 140 characters or less.”This now means that we have to be careful what we tweet, as it will all be recorded forever, even those few people who just spam things, like this person, claiming to have gotten a "free" macbook air. Congratulations, your douchiness will go down in history
In a recent move by the Library of Congress, they have decided that Twitter deserves to be remembered for as long as they are in existence.
Community Service Paper

There are many topics small topics that can be taken from this project, the biggest is the preservation of wildlife habitats. This has always been a problem in this country, destroying habitats in the name of the “greater good”, but just how much can big companies justify it this way before they realize just what they are doing to the natural wildlife in the area. This has been going on for years and years ever since the Louisiana Purchase convinced people to go west, and in turn eventually exploit the land for personal gain. The first major player in wildlife conservation was John Muir, who managed to get Theodore Roosevelt to go camping with him, and show him “The Real Yosemite”. After this outing with Muir, Roosevelt then created the US National Park Service, to protect lands like Yosemite and others around the country. In more recent years, private organizations like the Muir Heritage Land Trust have themselves purchased and maintained areas like the Fernandez ranch and their other holdings around the bay and tried to recreate the magic of Yosemite in our local area. This massive job seems like a relatively easy one when thinking of the national park service, but for an organization like the Muir Heritage Land Trust, it is not so easy. In fact, you can donate now by clicking here to go to the homepage and clicking on the picture of Gary Bogue, who openly supports the efforts of the organization in his column in the Contra Costa Times. The other day when installing the huge bat box, Beth and I were talking and ever since Gary Bogue has been mentioning them in his article, the land trust has gone from getting 10-20 donations a week to 50 or so a day. Every penny helps them do their jobs, keep these lands, over 1800 acres, pristine, and preserve the wildlife there. There are not many organizations like the MHLT around here, and we should do whatever we can to help preserve these open spaces for the sake of the wildlife, for inspiration for art projects, or for day hikes like in boy scouts.
Another great thing I learned from doing this project is the significance of the Boy Scout program. I have been with the BSA since 1st grade in tiger cubs. I made it through cub scouts and at the end of 5th grade I made the transition to boy scouts. My 8 years with Troop 241, based out of the multipurpose room at Stanley middle school, has taught me a lot. I have gone on week long outings into the high sierras and climbed to the top of Mount Whitney . I have also gone to Yosemite national park, the same area where John Muir took Theodore Roosevelt and convinced him that this beautiful land could only be saved through some sort of government intervention, or witch the result was the National park service. I have personally had such a great time with my troop and Boy scouts, I am even going to stay on with my troop after my 18th birthday and become an assistant scout master to teach the same values that I have learned from my vast experience camping and having fun in scouts. Through out the country, only about 2-4% of all Boy Scouts reach the rank of Eagle, and I am very proud to become one of the few that has achieved this rank.
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