FAA isn't asleep

The FAA isn't asleep, unlike some of the pilots seemed to be. The two pilots, Capt. Timothy B. Cheney and first officer Richard Cole had there pilot's licenses revoked today as a result of there overshooting the target airport by about 150 miles. During the FAA's investigation on how exactly these pilot's managed to screw up this bad, it was found out that the two men were on there laptops instead of flying the plane. They probably were doing one of 3 things, either looking at inappropriate sites, playing a computer game like Left 4 Dead or Borderlands or they were just looking at funny videos on YouTube like the one below

Dems Divided

Even though Harry Reid came out the other day saying "The Public Option is back!" some people are still divided on the issue, even the democrats. Some democrats of all people are still wondering if this is the best idea to bring it back to the table. Senator Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana, said this on the issue,
" I Don't Know. I Don't Know. I Don't Know" "I just really don’t know"

Baucus says this because in the first place, he spent months trying to get a bill through to the senate without a public option because in his mind he didn't think that it would get the 60 votes needed

President's Got Game

Despite all that is going on in the world, the main point at the White house brief today was the basketball game. The president along with several cabinet members and congressman played a game this afternoon and later in the briefing noted that they were regretful that they didn't invite any women. There are SO many other things they could have been doing, but instead they chose to play a game of basketball, probably leaving whatever they had to do until the last minute, like this blog.

New definition of hate crimes

A bill that was threatened with veto has passed through the house (while attached to a defense bill) that will increase the coverage of hate crimes to include anti-gay crimes. This has been supported by Obama and will go to the senate in a few days. The question is, despite republican protests that it is attached to a defense bill, will it go through the senate and become part of the law?

Pirates screw up

Some Somali Pirates attempted to raid a large ship they spotted. Little did they know that it was actually a French Navy Destroyer. They were captured and there fate are yet to be decided. Every year apparently out of the pirates captured only a few face trial due to legal reasons, weird.

Iran sends uranium to Russia

A couple of days ago, we discovered that Iran was hiding a second uranium enrichment plant, a place where they could make weapons grade nuclear materials. New reports suggest that they are going to send the already made uranium to Russia before the inspection. Whether they try to hide some other materials not disclosed in Geneva will be up to the Russians to tell us.

Iran agreed on Thursday in talks with the United States and other major powers to open its newly revealed uranium enrichment plant near Qum to international inspection in the next two weeks and to send most of its openly declared enriched uranium to Russia to be turned into fuel for a small reactor that produces medical isotopes, senior American and other Western officials said.

Palin a best seller, book not released yet?

We all heard a while ago that Sarah Palin had written a memoir called, very appropriately, Going Rogue, had already made it to the best seller list, and it doesn't even come out until November 17th. Somehow it even managed to pass up acclaimed author Dan Brown's latest book, The Lost Symbol. How did she d this while resigning from being the governor of alaska, and trying to cover up (no thanks to the press) her daughter's baby, apparently tried to make it seam like it was her's?

Government Employees can't text en-route

A newlaw has been passed that has made it illegal to text while driving. Personally this should have been a law that forbade anyone to text while driving, because it really takes more of your attention away from the road than making calls did.

Driving while talking on hand-held cellphones has been banned in seven states, including California, and texting while driving has been banned in 18 states. Seventeen states have made it illegal for school bus drivers to use cellphones while driving.

Commie China turns 60

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the communist taker over of the largest country population wise in the world. Since there founding in 1949, they have transformed themselves into the modern war-torn economic powerhouse that they are today. Chinese dissident Harry Wu said this

Wu, now 72, believes the Chinese people will eventually cast off communism as citizens in the Soviet Union did.

A somewhat reliable source has disclosed that the 60th anniversary is apparently the debt forgiving anniversary, hope they are right.

"Lucy" has an older relative, "Adri"

A new Fossil, named "Adri" (where did they find that random name?) was recently unearthed in modern day Ethiopia. The statistics on the size of the body are quite surprising, considering that my mother is actually taller than them.

The story of humankind is reaching back another million years as scientists learn more about "Ardi," a hominid who lived 4.4 million years ago in what is now Ethiopia. The 110-pound, 4-foot female roamed forests a million years before the famous Lucy, long studied as the earliest skeleton of a human ancestor.
